*12/02/22 UPDATE: I'm cutting off the free request at this time!
Well, I am FINALLY caught up posting my old art to Newgrounds. From here on out, I'll be posting art as I finish it. Thanks to everyone for putting up with me flooding your feeds for the last couple weeks, and I hope y'all found a pic or two that you liked. Thanks for all the follows and faves and ratings and comments and everything. You really know how to make a simple degenerate like me feel welcome!
Now, to celebrate my coming to Newgrounds and in the spirit of holiday giving that will soon be upon us, I thought I'd take a few free art requests. I have a few rules, though, so listen up!
* I don't know how many of these I will do. I have a day job, not to mention the attention span of a squirrel, so I may do a bunch or I might do one and then get distracted.
* This is NOT "first come, first serve". I will be choosing which suggestions I draw myself based on what I think sounds interesting or what inspires me.
* No OCs. Sorry, no offence to you or your creation. I will gladly take OC commissions from time to time, but that's just not what I'm looking to do right now.
* No Original Characters. Hey, didn't I say that already? Yes, I did. Yet any time I've ever said that in the past, I've still gotten two or three people try to slip theirs in. Seriously, guys, I'm not going to pick any OCs, so just save yourself the heartache and pick something the whole class can enjoy!
* In terms of what I am or am not willing to draw, just peek at my gallery and you should get a pretty good idea of what I'm comfortable with doing. If in doubt, feel free to ask. I may say no, but I try not to kink-shame.
* Remember this is just a casual sketch request. I'm not going to get to everything, so if I skip over you, please don't take it personal or get angry.
And that's it! Can't wait to see what you folks have in mind!